Below are the dates, location, and times for the upcoming budget information sessions: April 28th, at Townhall; upstairs in the courtroom at noon May 4th, at Townhall; upstairs in the courtroom at 7pm
Message From Police Chief Cook: Fund Drive Scam
It has come to my attention that a company has been soliciting donations through a mailer (see attached) asking you to support your local police, naming the Springfield Police. This company in no way represents our Department or has been requested to solicit on our behalf. Our PBA does their own fund drive through the […]
Egg Hunt & Kite Fest Attracts Crowd on Warm and Breezy Spring Afternoon
On Saturday, April 16, 2022, Springfield Recreation Department’s Egg Hunt & Kite Fest attracted one of the largest crowds in at least a decade on a day marked by warm temperatures and light wind. Following two years off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popular spring event at Chisholm Park featured the return of kite […]
Township of Springfield Teams Up With CASA
Last week Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Union County planted blue flags outside Springfield Townhall for Child Abuse Prevention Month this month. CASA Director of Communications and Development, Gretchen Boger-O’Bryan met up with Mayor Alexander Keiser to kick off Flags 4 Foster Youth. Each flag represents 4 foster youths and are to help raise […]
ParkMobile Information
Attention Residents, The ParkMobile app is active in parts of Springfield and will soon be implemented in Springfield parking lots and streets. The app is a payment system in which drivers can pay for parking using their phones. With this new system, a driver can extend their parking time without returning to their vehicle to […]
Springfield’s Community Garden and Patriot Park
In 2010 the Springfield Community Garden was created. Located on Wabeno Avenue and close to a small stream shared with the Dayton athletic fields, it was put into action by Denise DeVone; chairperson of the Environmental Committee. She reached out to former mayor Ziad Shehady, who put her in touch with former town administrator Anthony […]
Distracted Driving Enforcement Crackdown to be Conducted Locally as Part of Statewide April Campaign
Law enforcement officials from the Springfield Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of the annual “UDrive. UText. UPay.” Distracted Driving Crackdown. Beginning April 1, 2022 and continuing through April 30, 2022, local, county, and state law enforcement officials will conduct roving patrols and fixed checkpoints looking for motorists who may […]
Fire Department Promotions
During Tuesday night’s (March 22) Township Committee meeting, the Springfield Fire Department hired two new Probationary Firefighters and promoted a Fire Captain. Captain Mark Russo, who has been with the department for 10 years, was promoted from firefighter to Fire Captain. He was accompanied by his wife, and 2 daughters as he was sworn in […]
Springfield Senior Citizens Receive Free COVID-19 Tests
Thanks to a donation by the County of Union, the Springfield Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was able to distribute free COVID-19 tests to residents to help combat the spread of the virus. On Monday, March 21, 2022, senior citizens who gathered at the Chisholm Community Center received free boxes of test kits. Pictured […]