April is National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month, which recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Therefore, during Tuesday night’s meeting Mayor Chris Capodice proclaimed that April is CASA Child Advocate Month. This proclamation was presented to Tori Cappo of Court Appointed Special Advocate of Union […]
Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room Dedication Ceremony: April 23rd
Back in March, the Township Committee meeting passed Resolution 2023-45, which authorized that the Senior Citizens Meeting Room at the Chisholm Community Center be known as the “Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room” to honor Margaret Bandrowski. Well deserving as Margaret has volunteered countless hours to the center to help residents in need during natural disasters and […]
Harris Laufer Sworn In As Township Committeeman
Back in March, Erica DuBois announced her resignation during the committee meeting. She started off by thanking all the first responders who had participated in the Benefit Basketball Game: Teachers vs First Responders. She thanked everyone who had a hand in putting the event together and for taking the time to bring joy to the […]
Message From Mayor Capodice: New Gomes Update
On April 10th Municipal Court Judge Rosenbluth finalized the testimony and evidence in the trial concerning the December 2021 Summonses against Springfield Center Urban Renewal. A decision should be forthcoming in the near future. Also on April 10th, our Township Construction Official issued a Notice of Unsafe Structure concerning the hairstylist building which is part […]
Springfield Gathers for Egg Hunt & Kite Fest
On Saturday, April 8, 2023, hundreds of community members of all ages joined together at Chisholm Park for the Township of Springfield’s annual Egg Hunt & Kite Fest, which was postponed from the previous week due to rain and wind. The event was sponsored by the Springfield Recreation Department, along with Mike Scalera State Farm […]
Message From Mayor Capodice: Gomes Update
Our Springfield Zoning Official issued a notice to Springfield Center Urban Renewal (“Gomes Property”) requiring it to address various safety issues including the fencing and rights of way. Instead of immediately complying, Springfield Center filed a complaint in the Superior Court of New Jersey in Elizabeth on March 30th. Our Redevelopment counsel filed substantial opposition […]
Message From Mayor Capodice: Latest Gomes Update
Municipal Court proceedings continue regarding violations of the Municipal Ordinances concerning the condition of the property. The trial is scheduled to continue before Municipal Court Judge Rosenbluth on April 10, 2023. Meanwhile, last week two reports were provided concerning the steel beams, strength of concrete, and replacement of curved pipe. On Friday, March 24, 2023 […]
Events Happening This Week
Residents, don’t forget the events happening this week as we say Goodbye to March and Hello to April. The 2nd Coffee with a Cop is this month on March 30th. Join the Springfield Police Department for coffee and conversation at Halo Roasters from 9am to 11am. Residents will have the chance to ask questions and […]
Message From Mayor Capodice Regarding the Gomes Project
At this time, the governing body has determined to hire new special redevelopment counsel to aggressively pursue any and all violations and breaches against Springfield Center Urban Renewal Corporation. At the same time, the Municipal Court violations against Springfield Center are continuing before Judge Rosenbluth in Maplewood to immediately resolve the illegal fence which violates […]