This past winter I shared with you the ongoing challenges of the rising costs in our municipality, state, and country over which we have no control. (previous letter)
The Township has been hard at work attempting to maximize our cost-saving efforts, including reviewing existing and potential new shared services agreements with other public entities and shifting service entities to control cost.
In the upcoming months, we will be moving our emergency dispatch services from Mountain Valley to Union County Dispatch services saving over $350,000. We also plan to enter a shared service agreement with the County for our Health services, saving an additional $250,000. Cutting back Bulk Pickup from four times a year to twice a year saved us $50,000.
During the off-season, the pool parking lot is used to station School Buses increasing revenue approximately $150,000. Lastly, we have been awarded various first responder grants in the amount of $125,000.
Although we have made some significant headway, we still are faced with a significant hurdle to keep taxes in check while providing the same level and quality of services and programs to our residents, businesses, and visitors. I encourage all of you to attend our public budget presentations later this month to ask questions and find out more.
Stay safe!
Mayor Christopher Capodice, Sr.