Back in March, the Township Committee meeting passed Resolution 2023-45, which authorized that the Senior Citizens Meeting Room at the Chisholm Community Center be known as the “Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room” to honor Margaret Bandrowski.
Well deserving as Margaret has volunteered countless hours to the center to help residents in need during natural disasters and she recently served as President of the Springfield Senior Citizens Club for seven years. She has also served as a Township Committeewoman from 2013-2015, including one year as Deputy Mayor, served on the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Development Review Committee, Rent Leveling Board, the Patriot Chamber of Commerce, Board of Health, Battle of Springfield 225th Anniversary Committee, Environmental Commission, Green Team, and served as President of the Springfield Historical Society.
To celebrate this occasion and Margaret’s dedication to Springfield, there will be a room dedication ceremony for the “Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room” at the Chisholm Community Center (100 South Springfield Ave), on Sunday April 23rd, starting at 2pm.
There will be light refreshments and the event is free and open to the public, however attendees are asked to RSVP by April 20th, please contact Tamara Vega at 973-912-2285 or For residents 55+ there will be bus transportation to the event provided by the Chisholm Center, you must call the Recreation Department at 973-912-2227, by April 20th to make an appointment.