Good afternoon Springfield,
Today is the 242nd Anniversary of the Battle of Springfield.
This battle literally changed the course of the Revolutionary War!
Tonight at 7PM, the Daughters of the American Revolution will be holding a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the battle at the DAR cemetery on Mountain Ave (next to Smilow Dentistry) followed by a short ceremony by the West Fields Chapter of the NJ Sons of the American Revolution at 7:30.
At the conclusion of that ceremony the NJSSAR Color Guard and company will be marching to the First Presbyterian Church to lay a wreath at the foot of the Continental Soldier statue.
As some may know, the church grounds played an important part in the battle.
All are welcome to this ceremony honoring all of those who had fought and sacrificed for our freedoms. Please attend if you can. We look forward to seeing you there. It is always super interesting to be a part of.
Have a great day!
Deputy Mayor Chris Weber