Springfield Recreation Department and Springfield Basketball Association Announce Travel Team Tryouts for 2024-2025
Online registration is now open for travel basketball tryouts for Fall 2024/Winter 2025! Detailed flyers can be downloaded at www.springfield-nj.us/ recreation. Click “Program Flyers” and then “Basketball”. Tryouts are offered for Nettes 4th-8th grade girls teams and Minutemen 4th-8th grade boys teams. It is mandatory that children are registered in advance for tryouts online on Community Pass at https://register. communitypass.net/springfield. Registration is free, but is absolutely required. Additional travel season information will follow when fees, gym locations, coaches, uniforms, etc., are finalized. Both online registration by 10:00 am on the day of the tryout and attendance at tryouts are required for children to be considered for a travel team. Information on non-travel recreation basketball teams and clinics is available at https://springfield-nj.us/ news/basketball-recreation- leagues-and-clinics-offered. Questions? Contact Isaiah Asmani, Recreation Program Coordinator, at isaiah.asmani@springfield-nj. us or (973) 912-2227. For additional information about the travel basketball program, visit the Springfield Basketball Association (SBA) website at www.springfieldbasketball.com.