For the third time in a decade, in December 2021, the Township of Springfield was awarded a Bronze certification from Sustainable Jersey, a network of municipalities, schools and school districts working to bring about a more sustainable New Jersey.
Springfield was recognized for 21 actions in eight categories and amassed a total of 225 points, significantly more than needed for Bronze certification. Springfield’s Environmental Commission and Green Team worked closely with volunteers, Township employees and the Department of Public Works (DPW) to document the activities across the community that contributed to its sustainability. According to Sustainable Jersey, New Jersey’s “certified municipalities are national leaders in implementing solutions to key sustainability challenges. From efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health, stimulate local economies, increase resiliency and progress toward an equitable society, the actions completed by Sustainable Jersey communities have made a significant contribution.”
Betzabe Blondet, chair of Springfield’s Green Team, spent many hours preparing and cataloging the actions taken by Springfield to achieve Bronze status. She praised the assistance provided by Bob Brennan, of the DPW, who “went above and beyond in helping us obtain the information needed to file our paperwork.”
With more than 450 communities participating, the Sustainable Jersey website notes that these towns and cities implement practices that lead to cost savings in energy, water and garbage bills. The program helps communities improve efficiency, cut waste and stimulate their local economies.
Alyson Weber Miller, chair of Springfield’s Environmental Commission, praised the efforts of all those who took part in the actions that helped the town achieve its Bronze status. She said, “Everyone can do their part with small changes. Try reducing your household waste through actions like reusable towels instead of paper towels. Turn lights off in the rooms you’re not in and make sure your lights have LED bulbs. Remember the three R’s: reduce, reuse and recycle. Paying attention to little things can make big differences.”
For more information on Sustainable Jersey, visit
For more information about the Environmental Commission and the Green Team visit