Residents, don’t forget these upcoming events happening in town.
Springfield Public Schools Bond Referendum Vote is on Tuesday, March 14th. Polls are open from 8am to 8pm.
The Township Committee Meeting that will be held next week (March 14th) will start at 6pm. It will only be live streamed to YouTube (posted to Facebook the next day).
The Townwide Garage Sale is next weekend; Saturday, March 18th and Sunday, March 19th. Sale hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Registration is not required and there are no permit fees. Participating households are encouraged to fill out the form linked here to be included on a comprehensive listing of garage sale locations.
March Bulk Pick Up will follow the garage sale on Wednesday March 22nd. Please remember to leave everything out by Tuesday night, it will be collected over the next 2 days. This is the first of 2 bulk pick ups this year.
The 2nd Coffee with a Cop is this month on March 30th. Join the Springfield Police Department for coffee and conversation at Halo Roasters from 9am to 11am.
Project Medicine Drop is also March 30th. Residents can drop off their unused meds in the box inside the Chisholm Community Center. It is open from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Only pills capsules, patches, and pet medications are permitted. Any questions, call the Springfield Police Department.