On Monday, June 22, 2020, athletic fields under the jurisdiction of the Township of Springfield will reopen for permitted sporting activities, including organized youth and adult sports. Springfield sports clubs, leagues, and teams that typically receive permits through the Recreation Department who wish to utilize fields should contact recreation@springfield-nj.us or (973) 912-2227 for new permit applications, and should be prepared to follow state guidance, submit necessary insurance certificates, and develop COVID-19 program preparation plans prior to the issuance of permits.
According to Governor Murphy’s Executive Order #149 issued on Friday, May 29, 2020, and state Department of Health guidance issued on Monday, June 15, 2020, “Permissible sporting activities must take place in outdoor settings only in a manner that does not involve person-to-person contact or routinely entail individuals interacting within six feet of one another…However…we expect to be able to allow certain contact activities starting July 6, 2020, assuming we continue to make progress in our fight against COVID-19.”
Please remember that Springfield’s public playgrounds and basketball courts remain closed.