I recently started a dialogue with the New Jersey Vehicle Commission Legislative Affairs Office to help address some of the concerns we have with our local Springfield office. We have been provided the following information:
Since reopening, the Springfield MVC is solely for vehicle transactions. You can not get a license in Springfield.
All documents that expired in March, April or May have an extension until Sept 30
All documents that expired in June, July or August have an extension until Dec. 31
If you are trying to renew your registration, go here: https://mymvc.state.nj.us/reg-
If you need a PIN to renew your registration, go here: https://mymvc.state.nj.us/reg-
If you are new to New Jersey you have 60 days to transfer your license or other documents. There is currently legislation pending that will double that to 120 days.
There is currently pending legislation that will allow those over 65 to renew their standard license indefinitely and have the MVC have hours solely for seniors or those with disability or illness to register a car.
All questions should be directed to Chris Hillmann, NJMVC Director of Legislative Affairs at Chris.Hillmann@mvc.nj.gov.
Stay Safe!