The Annual Fall Festival & Car Show had a huge turn out this past Sunday. The festival kicked off at 11 am and ended at 5pm with the music continuing while everything was taken down. Tons of people came out to enjoy the beautiful weather, food trucks, and live music from bands such as TreeOh!, […]
Breast Cancer and Mental Illness Awareness Month
This October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month; an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. During this week’s Township Committee meeting Mayor Alex Keiser gave the proclamation that this month will be known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that October 21st will be National Mammography Day. Breast cancer is […]
Health Department: Cancer Screenings Information
Please see below for new informational flyers and resources from the Health Department. American Cancer Society Cancer Screening Recommendations U.S Preventative Services Task Force Recommendations for Lung Cancer Screenings U.S Preventative Services Task Force Recommendations for Colorectal Cancer
Just some quick reminders for all residents regarding recycling: This Saturday, October 8th is the final shredding event. It will run from 9am to 1pm and will be held at the Springfield Pool (44 Morrison Road). Leaf Collection will start on Monday, October 31st. Residents can begin placing leaves out on the curb on October […]
Mayor Keiser Speaks About Redevelopment (video)
Below is a portion of last week’s Township Committee Meeting (Sept.28th) where Mayor Alexander Keiser discussed redevelopment in the Township of Springfield.
Fall Events Coming In October
Summer is officially over and it’s time for Fall! This October is packed with lots of fun events for Springfield residents. Bus Trip To Atlantic City Hosted by Recreation Department On Friday, October 7th the Springfield Recreation Department is hosting a bus trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City, it is open to all Springfield […]
“Lightyear” Outdoor Movie and Popcorn Draws Crowd
The Springfield Recreation Department welcomed residents to the fall by screening “Lightyear” outdoors at Chisholm Park on Saturday night, September 24, 2022. Blue skies and cooler temperatures drew a crowd of several hundred children and adults with lawn chairs, blankets, and sweatshirts. Many residents enjoyed their own picnic dinners and boxes of pizza under the stars. […]
Towing Licenses
Residents, TAKE NOTICE, the Township of Springfield will be accepting towing license applications on or before November 1, 2022, pursuant to the amended Ordinance passed and approved on October 13, 2020. Copies of said Ordinance and applications may be picked up in the Office of the Township Clerk. Linda M. Donnelly, RMC Township Clerk
Constitution Week is This Week
September 17th was the 235th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America. It was 1783 when the country won its independence from Great Britain, and with that a new government was needed. Alexander Hamilton had called for a constitutional convention to have serious discussions on the matter of a […]