Please see below for new informational flyers and resources from the Health Department: Changes to the NJ Quitline 3 Reasons to Get Your COVID19 Booster Upcoming STD Webinar on 2/2. Subject Matter Expert Speaker from the NJ Department of Health. Open to all!
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr Day
Martin Luther King Jr Day is this Monday, January 16th. It officially became a U.S. federal holiday in 1986, to honor the memory of a civil rights hero. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929; however this year we celebrate him on the 16th. King fought for equality and human rights for […]
Mayor Christopher Capodice Sworn In
A new mayor was sworn in during Sunday’s (January 1st) night’s Township Reorganization meeting. The meeting started off with the Posting of Colors and Pledge of Allegiance, led by Gerry McManus; Commander of American Legion Post #228. Then attendees were treated to a performance of God Bless America by Ernie DellaSala on the saxophone. Union […]
Zumba for Adults this Winter at Chisholm
NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! Join us, starting tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 7:00-8:00 pm, for Zumba with Amy Lauren! Classes for adults are held on Wednesday nights this winter at the Chisholm Community Center (2nd floor fitness studio), hosted by the Springfield Recreation Department. The cost is $10 per class and water is included. Questions? Contact Amy […]
Township Employees Honored
Two Township of Springfield employees were honored during the Township Committee meeting held on December 13th. Deputy Tax Assessor Jennifer Sherman and Planning and Zoning Administrator Jennifer Law were presented with certificates of Merit for their work putting together the Annual Fall Festival & Car Show. The festival was held back in October and it […]
Wreaths Across America Ceremony
The Church and Cannon Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution hosted their 1st ever Wreaths Across America Ceremony this past weekend. Many Springfield residents were at attendance for the ceremony that was held to honor those who served our country and protected our freedom, especially now during the holidays. Heather Sandford; […]
Youth Baseball Early Bird Registration
As the weather turns to cold, the Springfield NJ Baseball League (SNJBL) is already thinking ahead to baseball season. Registration for the Spring 2023 recreation baseball season is now open online! Please note our new, earlier registration deadlines. Register by Saturday, December 31, 2022, to save $25 (per player) and take advantage of our Early Bird Registration! […]
Santa Came To Springfield
This past Saturday, Santa Claus made a trip to the Township of Springfield to see everyone and spread some holiday cheer. Santa was driven around the streets of town by Deputy Mayor Chris Weber, Committeeman Chris Capodice, and Committeewoman Erica Dubois. The Grinch was also along for the ride, inside his own personal time out […]
Girls Softball Registration Open for Spring 2023
Think Spring! The Springfield Recreation Department and Springfield Girls Softball Inc. jointly announce that online registration is now live for Girls Softball in Spring 2023! Clinics for Pre-K and Kindergarteners, and leagues for 1st-9th graders, are open to children who reside in or attend a school in Springfield. Two separate required registration fees, both payable online only, with a credit card: […]