During Tuesday’s Township Committee meeting Committeeman Harris Laufer, who also serves as Director of the Jewish Federations of New Jersey read the proclamation that stated that the month of May is Jewish American Heritage Month. “We are reminded that the vibrant culture of the Jewish people has not always been embraced. In a country where […]
Arbor Day Celebration
Last week, Friday April 28th was Arbor Day; a holiday that celebrates the planting, upkeep and preservation of trees. The first ever Arbor Day was held on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska where approximately 1 million trees were planted. Arbor Day became an official state holiday (in Nebraska) in 1885 and almost 100 years later […]
2023 Springfield Board of Education Meeting Dates UPDATED
Please see below.
Elks Youth Week
Elks has designated the first week of May (May 1st-7th) as Youth Week to honor America’s Junior Citizens for their accomplishments, and to give recognition of their services to the community. Springfield Hillside Elks Lodge #2004 will be sponsoring an observance that week in tribute to the Junior Citizens of Springfield. During Tuesday’s Township Committee […]
Township Dedicates Chisholm Room in Honor of Margaret Bandrowski
On Sunday, April 24, 2023, the Township of Springfield dedicated the senior citizens meeting room at the Chisholm Community Center in honor of Margaret Bandrowski, former Township Committeewoman and Deputy Mayor. Opening the ceremony, Mayor Chris Capodice welcomed Township officials, residents, and friends and family of Margaret. Township Committeeman Chris Weber followed by reading the […]
New Year Brings Budget Changes UPDATE
Greetings! This past winter I shared with you the ongoing challenges of the rising costs in our municipality, state, and country over which we have no control. (previous letter) The Township has been hard at work attempting to maximize our cost-saving efforts, including reviewing existing and potential new shared services agreements with other public entities […]
April is CASA Child Advocate Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month, which recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Therefore, during Tuesday night’s meeting Mayor Chris Capodice proclaimed that April is CASA Child Advocate Month. This proclamation was presented to Tori Cappo of Court Appointed Special Advocate of Union […]
Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room Dedication Ceremony: April 23rd
Back in March, the Township Committee meeting passed Resolution 2023-45, which authorized that the Senior Citizens Meeting Room at the Chisholm Community Center be known as the “Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room” to honor Margaret Bandrowski. Well deserving as Margaret has volunteered countless hours to the center to help residents in need during natural disasters and […]
Harris Laufer Sworn In As Township Committeeman
Back in March, Erica DuBois announced her resignation during the committee meeting. She started off by thanking all the first responders who had participated in the Benefit Basketball Game: Teachers vs First Responders. She thanked everyone who had a hand in putting the event together and for taking the time to bring joy to the […]