Last week the Springfield Department of Public Works held their Annual Arbor Day Celebration. The event was held at Veteran’s Memorial Park. The Springfield Public Works, Township Clerk Linda Donnelly, and Springfield Environmental Commission’s Green Team planted a tree and distributed over 100 tree seedlings to residents. The tree seedlings were made available by the NJ Tree […]
More Information on the Plastic Ban
Below is more information regarding the New Jersey Plastic Ban; including information on exemptions.
Plastic Bag Ban Starts May 4th
Attention Residents, Please be aware that the Plastic Bag Ban starts May 4th, 2022. The state of NJ is banning single use plastic bags at all retail stores, restaurants, and grocery stores. This also means plastic bags are banned from recycle collections. Any cans containing plastic bags will not be collected by the recycling company. […]
Arbor Day Celebration & The Houdaille Quarry Walk
April is Earth Month since both Earth Day and Arbor Day fall into this month. Both days celebrate nature, sustainability, and good environmentally beneficial practices. Recently, the Springfield Environmental Commission, Springfield Green Team, and the Springfield Department of Public Works hosted a Community Clean Up Day, where 60 volunteers assembled to collect and properly dispose […]
Springfield’s Community Garden and Patriot Park
In 2010 the Springfield Community Garden was created. Located on Wabeno Avenue and close to a small stream shared with the Dayton athletic fields, it was put into action by Denise DeVone; chairperson of the Environmental Committee. She reached out to former mayor Ziad Shehady, who put her in touch with former town administrator Anthony […]
Springfield Achieves Sustainable Jersey Certification
For the third time in a decade, in December 2021, the Township of Springfield was awarded a Bronze certification from Sustainable Jersey, a network of municipalities, schools and school districts working to bring about a more sustainable New Jersey. Springfield was recognized for 21 actions in eight categories and amassed a total of 225 points, […]
Township of Springfield Awarded Bronze Level Certification from Sustainable Jersey
Congratulations to the Environment Commission on their hard work which has awarded the Township of Springfield with Bronze Level certification from Sustainable Jersey. This the third time Springfield has been awarded this certification (once in 2015 and another in 2018). The certification is good for 3 years. Getting certified has great benefits for Springfield: It […]
Springfield Receives County Grants Of $40,000 For Irwin Park Playground And $4,000 For Trees
The Township of Springfield was awarded a $40,000 grant from the Union County Kids Recreation Trust Fund and a $4,000 grant from Greening Union County last Thursday night, October 21, 2021, at a virtual meeting of the Union County Board of County Commissioners. Mayor Chris Weber commented, “A huge thank you to Union County, as […]
Arbor Day Tree Planning
Arbor Day Tree Planting and Tree Seedling Giveaway was held at Chisholm Community Center today.