This past weekend the Township of Springfield held its annual Veterans Day Ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park, and luckily it was a beautiful day outside. The ceremony began with Geri Ann Kazimar welcoming everyone, then the Invocation was done by Father David Santos of St. James Church. Then Mayor Chris Capodice read the proclamation and took the time to thank our veterans for their service.
“Today we gather to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have selflessly served our nation. It is a privilege and an honor to stand before you on a day when we come together as a community to express our profound gratitude for the sacrifices made by our veterans. – We salute you today and everyday. Thank you veterans for your service, your dedication, and your unwavering commitment to our great nation. May God Bless You.”
Followed by Gerry McManus; Commander of American Legion Continental Post #228.
“We must remember that veterans are defending us 365 days a year. – Without the formidable strength that veterans have demonstrated Americans would never enjoy their daily freedoms. – Veterans Day is not just a day of celebration and remembrance, it is a day of action. It is a day where we must recommit ourselves to the wellbeing of veterans and their families. ”
Other speakers at the ceremony included Carl Ostergaard, who gave a brief history of Veterans Day, and reminded everyone that it has officially been 30 years since the dedication of Veterans Memorial Park. There was also Marc Krauss, who shared the meaning of the POW/MIA flag, and Len Feiner, who read the names of the Springfield Honor Roll.
Thank you to all our veterans!
More pictures can be seen on the Township Facebook page.