Our Springfield Zoning Official issued a notice to Springfield Center Urban Renewal (“Gomes Property”) requiring it to address various safety issues including the fencing and rights of way. Instead of immediately complying, Springfield Center filed a complaint in the Superior Court of New Jersey in Elizabeth on March 30th. Our Redevelopment counsel filed substantial opposition on Sunday, April 2nd.
The Court held an emergent telephonic hearing on April 3rd. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Court stated, among other things, “the time for talking is over. . .” The Court directed Springfield Center to provide 24/7 security for the site until complete fencing was erected and directed that a meeting occurs on the site within 24 hours.
On April 4th the Township Officials, including the Mayor, met with Springfield Center and their counsel. The entire perimeter of the exterior of the site and the interior of the site were examined. The Township made it clear that the rights of way must be returned to the Township as soon as possible. This will require certain backfilling to ensure the safety of the sidewalks. This will also require that the PVC pipe which crosses the sidewalk at the corners of Caldwell and Morris Avenue and Center and Morris Avenue must be removed on a daily basis or placed below the sidewalk.
All of these conditions continue to be of the utmost importance to the Township. Springfield Center indicated that they are going to begin work immediately. The Township also identified various construction and other debris which need to be removed from the site.
As a result of certifications from outside engineers concerning the integrity of the steel and concrete, the previous Stop Work Order has been rescinded but all work must commence in a safe manner.
We will continue to keep you updated concerning this site and the Township’s efforts to mandate compliance with all safety and other ordinances, codes, and laws.