Residents, don’t forget the events happening this week as we say Goodbye to March and Hello to April.
The 2nd Coffee with a Cop is this month on March 30th. Join the Springfield Police Department for coffee and conversation at Halo Roasters from 9am to 11am. Residents will have the chance to ask questions and get to know our Springfield officers.
Project Medicine Drop is also March 30th. Residents can drop off their unused meds in the box inside the Chisholm Community Center. It is open from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Only pills capsules, patches, and pet medications are permitted. NO syringes or liquids. Any questions, call the Springfield Police Department.
Egg Hunt & Kite Fest at Chisholm Park is on Saturday, April 8th. The event will be from 2 to 4pm, and includes photos with the Easter Bunny, music from a DJ, inflatable corn maze, sand art, kite flying, and 2 separate egg hunts. The event is free to attend. Any questions? Contact the Springfield Recreation Department at or (973) 912-2227.
In April, DPW will begin canvassing the Township for vegetative waste. Branches; 4 inches in diameter and smaller, leaves, and grass will be collected. Please note material must be placed in recyclable bags or in cans. This will go on for the entire month of April. Loose debris in roadway will not be picked up!
Spring Break for Township of Springfield students starts next week (April 3rd). Enjoy and stay safe!