Here are some important reminders as we reach the end of February:
Recently an important message from the Tax Collector was put onto our website. Residents should be aware that when clicking on the Online Tax Payment link through the Townships website, the “ModIV Assessment Query Link” will not be accessible going forward. Please use your block and lot or street address to search for your tax account information and to make payments. This change has been made to be compliant with Daniel’s Law, users will no longer be able to search by name only and names will no longer be displayed when viewing your account.
Please be aware that all Township meetings (Committee Meetings, Board of Adjustment, and Planning Board Meetings) will only be live streamed to the Township’s YouTube channel. Then posted onto Facebook the next day.
A survey has been created to get residents thoughts about the Springfield Pool. What amenities and projects in both the short and long term will enhance the experience? Click here to access the short survey. It will help prepare for this summer and improve the pool for future summers for residents to enjoy.
Tomorrow (Feb.28) is the last day for Early Bird Pricing for Springfield Pool Membership and Camp Registration. You can use promo code EBP23 to save on pool membership, and promo code EBP2023 to save on camp registration. For more information check out this previous post.
The deadline to apply for ANCHOR; a property tax relief program for New Jersey residents is tomorrow, February 28th. For more information check out this previous post.
Springfield Public Schools Bond Referendum Vote is on Tuesday, March 14th. Polls are open from 8am to 8pm.
The Townwide Garage Sale will be March 18th and 19th. It will be followed by Bulk Pick Up on March 22nd.