The Memorial Day Ceremony and parade was held at Veterans Park. Springfield residents came out to not only enjoy the beautiful weather but also come together to honor the lives lost defending our country.
“Today’s the day we remember the ones who have fallen, the ones who never came back. Those brave young men and women who have fallen, have fallen for all of us to uphold our freedom. We remember them today, but every single day.”
-Mayor Alex Keiser
Speakers included Geri Ann Kazimar, Township Clerk Linda Donnelly, Gerry Gebaur; Commander of American Legion Continental Post #228, Linda Jurcak; State Treasure of Daughters of the American Revolution, Sandra Lyna from Springfield Hills Elks Lodge #2004, Geri McManus, Marc A. Krauss, and David Penna; Vice Commander of American Legion Continental Post #228.
There were performances by Catie Hodic; who led the Nation Anthem and “I’m Proud To Be An American”, the Jonathan Dayton Marching Band performed a musical medley and “God Bless America”, Veteran Ernie Della Sala performed “America the Beautiful” on his saxophone, and lastly high school students; Matthew Whitken and Grayson Pereira performed “Taps”.
At the end of the ceremony, veterans were presented with a pin and posed for a group picture. The parade then followed, led by 2022 Grand Marshall Sam Furner. Residents gathered on the sidewalk to watch the parade, waving flags and saluting our veterans.
Special thanks to the Springfield Department of Public Works, who worked all week and the day of, to ready Veterans Park for the ceremony.
“I would like to acknowledge the ongoing support from the Township of Springfield. We would especially like to acknowledge Township Administrator John Bussiculo and the director of Public Works Robert Boettcher, along with the DPW crew for their continued care and maintenance of Veterans Park. Without them and their hard work , we would not have been able to make the improvements you see here today.”
-Vice Commander of American Legion Continental Post #228 David Penna
The entire ceremony can be seen on our Facebook page.