Link to Union County Recycling
Trash collection is provided weekly, curbside, through a third-party contractor, included in the annual property tax bill. Collection is made on Thursdays and Fridays depending on a schedule for each street. A second pickup, Memorial Day thru Labor Day, is provided on Mondays and Thursdays- south side of
Mountain Ave. and Tuesdays and Fridays for the north side of Mountain Ave.
Collections that coincide with holidays will be rescheduled for the day that immediately follows.
2025 Alternate Dates:
Memorial Day, May 26th –> collection moved to Thursday, May 29th
July 4th –> collection moved to Tuesday, July 8th
Thanksgiving, November 27th –> collection moved to Saturday, Nov. 29th
Christmas Day, December 25th –> collection moved to Saturday, December 27th
Trash pickup missed? Contact Regional Industries at 1-908-436-1966
Single-stream recycling collection is provided weekly, curbside, through a third-party contractor, included in the annual property tax bill. Recycling collection is based on street address. The schedule can be seen below.
Residents are required to recycle and the easy method of single stream collection permits the placing of all items into a single container. There is no need to separate materials, tie newspapers, etc.
Holiday Collections
New Year’s Day, Wednesday –> collection moved to Friday, January 3rd
Thanksgiving, Thursday –> collection moved to Friday, November 28th
Christmas Day, Thursday –> collection moved to Friday, December 26th
Recycling helps save money by reducing the amount of tipping fees paid associated with trash and helps generate revenue through recycling tonnage grants. Recycling grants to the Township are based upon the amount of material we recycle yearly so we can actually make money as a result of increasing our recycling grants. It truly does pay to recycle.
Recycling Pickup Missed? Contact Giordano Company, Inc. at 1-800-216-2250 ext 2
Link to Union County Recycling
#RecycleRightNJ is a social media campaign developed by the Department of Environmental Protection to help municipalities educate their residents about recycling contamination. Recycling contamination is anything in a recycling bin that does not belong there, it’s an issue that has heavily affected recycling programs. It’s important that residents abide by these guidelines.
The Department of Public Works has been notified that the daily sewer flow limits to Rahway Valley Sewer Authority have been exceeded 91 times in on year. This spike in sewer flow generally occurs during rain events. Springfield maintains Sperate Sewer and Stormwater collection systems. On of the purposes of the separate systems is to avoid the expense of unnecessarily treating clean stormwater combined with sanitary sewer. One of the contributing factors to stormwater inflow during rain events is from illicit connections. As illicit connection is when a sump pump, which designed to move groundwater out from a basement or crawl space, is connected illegally to the sanitary sewer line. Sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer system are prohibited by Rahway Valley Sewage Authority and are subject to enforcement and penalty enforcement. The Department of Public Works is seeking the assistance of homeowners who are currently discharging groundwater into the sanitary sewer system to voluntarily remove any illicit connection. All residents of Springfield bear the tax burden of unnecessarily treating groundwater. The Department of Public Works will begin conducting smoke tests to determine the location of any illicit connections. Smoke testing forces smoke into the air space in sanitary sewer lines. If there is an illicit connection present on that sewer line, smoke will be emitted into the air of the connection.
Bulk waste is collected on the following dates:
March 11th 2025, June 11th 2025, September 17th 2025 & December 10th 2025
Please have all bulk items out on Tuesday evening, bulk will be collected over the next two days
What is considered bulk waste?
Bulk waste is comprised of large and/or non-routine waste items including:
- Furniture
- Appliances *
- Rolled and tied carpet, not to exceed 6 feet in length and 60 pounds
- Hot water heaters
- Barbecue grills
* Refrigerators and freezers must have the doors removed.
What is not accepted?
- Construction material – sheet rock, stumps and tree roots
- Electrical items
- Recyclables
- Stones, logs, large rocks
- Propane tanks
- Hazardous waste items
Public Works will canvass the township during the month of April collecting lawn material placed in paper recyclable bags or trash cans curbside for spring clean-up. Residents cannot place material loose in the street – it must be contained in recyclable bags or cans. Loose debris in the roadway will not be picked up!
Beginning October 23rd leaves may be placed at the curb for collection, either loose or in biodegradable bags. This is for Township Roads Only! Residents are reminded not to block catch basins in order to minimize flooding. Public Works will begin curbside collection on November 1st and continue to canvass at least twice per season until December 31st. Only leaves will be collected – piles with debris other than leaves cannot be collected because of restrictions placed on the Township at the Compost Facility.
Residents living on a Union County road have their leaves removed by County Division of Public Works. Residents residing on Union County Roads can find their leaf schedule at or Call 908-789-3660
Beginning May 1st residents may drop off grass clippings and soft vegetative waste at the Springfield Pool Recycling Convenience Center.
Manned Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:30-11:30am
Clippings may be put in paper recyclable bags or in trash cans. Under no circumstances can Public Works accept any material placed in any type of plastic bag. Illegal dumping or dumping outside of these hours is prohibited. The drop-off location is under 24-hours video surveillance.
Residents are encouraged to become more environmentally responsible and embark upon a “cut it and leave it” program.
What is “Cut it & Leave it” Grass Recycling Program?
Grass clippings are a major part of the Township of Springfield municipal solid waste stream. Nearly a third of all summer waste generated by homeowners consists of grass clippings. As a Springfield resident you probably already recycle paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, aluminum cans, and more. However, many people may not realize that another material that is easily recyclable is right under their feet, grass. The NJ Department of Environmental Protection estimates that as much as a ton of clippings is generated for every acre of turf grass each year. A lawn that is 5,000 square feet generates 75 pounds of grass clippings per mowing. By just cutting it and leaving it, think of the amount of waste that will be diverted from the solid waste stream.
Grass clippings can be added to the list of common home wastes that can be recycled. Simply leave your clippings on the lawn when you mow, and let nature do the recycling for you. Grass clippings will provide a natural fertilizer for a growing lawn which also helps retain moisture for your lawn, while reducing weed growth and soil erosion.
When “Cut it & Leave it” is properly done, clippings settle quickly between the growing blades of grass where they shelter the roots from the sun, and conserve moisture. As they break down, they release more moisture as well as nutrients into the soil. This means that grass needs to be watered less frequently. Clippings left on the lawn supply one-third or more of the nitrogen needed to keep your grass green and healthy
How to Cut and Leave it…
Why spending time and energy buying bags and throwing the grass clippings into them and then bringing them to the DPW garage….there is a better a way…
Here is how – cut grass when dry and keep mower blades sharp. Follow the “1/3 Rule”: mow your lawn often enough so that no more than 1/3 of the length of the grass blade is cut in any one mowing. Frequent mowing will produce short clippings that will not cover up the grass surface. You may have to cut the lawn every 7 days when the lawn is growing fast but only every 7 to 14 days when the lawn is growing slowly.
The mower collection bag should be removed to allow clippings to drop on the lawn. However, if your mower does not have a safety flap covering the opening where the bag fits into the chute, it is important that you purchase a retrofit kit from your local retailer.
Most lawnmower manufacturers have developed “mulching” mowers which cut grass blades into small pieces and force them into the soil. These types of mowers are effective in grass recycling and have become very popular. Make your next mower a mulching one.
Cut it and leave it is the natural way you can have a green, healthy lawn while spending less time and money and think of the amount of waste that will be diverted from the solid waste stream!
FAQ on Grass Recycling
Q. Do grass clippings cause thatch and lawn disease? A. No. Research has shown that grass roots are the primary cause of thatch, not grass clippings. Thatch is composed primarily of roots, stems, rhizomes, and other plant materials. These plant materials contain large amounts of lignin (fibrous material) and decompose slowly. Grass clippings are approximately 80-85 percent water with only small amounts of lignin, and decompose rapidly.
Q. Will grass clipping make your lawn look bad? A. If a lawn is properly mowed, watered, and fertilized, grass clipping can actually produce a healthier looking lawn. It is important to cut the lawn frequently to produce small clippings that will decompose quickly. If a lawn is not cut frequently and clippings are left on the lawn, it will produce a “hay-like” look which can be unsightly.
Christmas Tree Disposal Christmas trees will be collected curbside until January 31, weather permitting.
Household Special Waste Union County sponsors free programs to collect household hazardous waste such as aerosol cans, antifreeze, batteries, caustics, corrosives & cleaners, fire extinguishers, fluorescent bulbs, gasoline, mercury switches, motor oil & oil filters, oil based paints, oil based varnishes, pesticides & herbicides, pool chemicals, thermostats, and tires. Air conditioners, refrigerators, and other “white goods” are not accepted. For more information, including dates & locations, visit or call the Union County Bureau of Recycling at 908-654-9890.
Mobile Paper Shredding The Township will host two paper shredding events on April 6th and October 5th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Municipal Pool parking lot (44 Morrison Road). Take advantage of this service in order to help prevent identity theft, destroy confidential documents and save trees by recycling. Union County also sponsors free mobile paper shredding events. Dates & locations are announced in the Spring at
Electronics Recycling & E-Waste Due to a statewide ban, electronic items such as computers, televisions, monitors, phones, speakers, etc. must be recycled and can no longer be placed curbside for pick up. Residents will be able to bring these electronics to the Municipal Pool parking lot (44 Morrison Road) for recycling on Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM during vegetative Waste Drop off. Styrofoam is also accepted.
The Township of Springfield adopted a new Community Forestry Management Plan. Click here to download.
The Springfield Department of Public Works has long provided free mulch (shredded wood, double hammer-milled, medium-textured, hardwood) for residents to pick-up at the Municipal Pool parking lot for their gardens. Mulch is used around trees, shrubs, landscape plants and flower beds to help reduce weeds, conserve moisture and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. Wood mulch breaks down slowly and adds organic matter to the soil. Generally, a mulch layer of two to four inches will reduce weeds, conserve moisture, and increase the attractiveness around shrubs and trees. When mulching around trees, remember to keep mulch approximately six inches from the tree trunk.
Cubic Yard Coverage Table – General Guide
- 1 c.y. = 324 square feet at 1″ depth
- 1 c.y. = 162 square feet at 2″ depth
- 1 c.y. = 108 square feet at 3″ depth
- 1 c.y. = 81 square feet at 4″ depth
- 1 c.y. = 64 square feet at 5″ depth
Mulch Delivery and Pickup
The Springfield Department of Public Works has long provided free mulch (shredded wood, double hammer-milled, medium-textured, hardwood) for Springfield residents to pick-up at the municipal pool parking lot for their gardens. We are pleased to announce the launch of a new mulch delivery service in response to requests by residents. Residential delivery of mulch is available for $100 for 5 cubic yards to homes located in Springfield that have a driveway on which to dump the material. Free pickup by residents from Department of Public Works facilities. Orders can only be taken online and payment is only accepted by credit card. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any specific delivery time but delivery will occur within 48 hours of an order being placed, and only between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Mulch will be dumped at the furthest end of the driveway (closest to the home and away from the street). Mulch will not be dumped on lawns so as to avoid damaging your lawn from the truck driving on it.
Commercial Pickup is also now available, while supplies last. Commercial purchase is only available by contractor pickup at 44 Morrison Rd. Public Works will not deliver commercially. Mulch pickup is $ 20.00 per cubic yard. Minimum required purchase of one (1) cubic yard of mulch per pickup. There shall be a maximum of fifty (50) cubic yards of mulch per year for each commercial individual/entity. Orders can only be taken online and payment is only accepted by credit card. All trucks will be loaded by a loader and by a Public Works Equipment Operator. Contractors will be called by DPW staff to arrange pickup times.
If you would like to cancel your order, you must do so by speaking directly with a representative of the DPW at 973-912-8483. Cancellations will not be accepted after-hours, by email, or by voicemail message. This service is only available while mulch supplies last.
Updates & Announcements
Township of Springfield 2025 Bulk Waste Pick Up Schedule
2025 Union County Paper Shredding Schedule
Severe Weather Warning We Are Preparing Are You?
Household Hazardous Material Schedule