The Police:
- Vigorously patrol the municipality and enforce the laws of the State of New Jersey and the ordinances of the County of Union and Township of Springfield.
- Investigate and prepare for prosecution the crimes that take place in the Township with the utmost professionalism.
- Investigations are preformed with passion and without prejudice to one’s ethnicity, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, handicap, or religious beliefs.
- The Patrol Bureau is comprised of five squads. These squads are run by sergeants who are the direct supervisors. The Watch Commanders, with supervision and management responsibility of these squads are Lieutenant Keith Doherty and Lieutenant Ryan Westover.
- The Investigations and Administration Bureau is comprised of the Detective Bureau and the Special Services Unit. The Special Services Unit, supervised by traffic specialist, Lt. Ryan Westover, consists of an Accreditation Manager, an Administrative Assistant, and DARE Officers.
- The Investigations Bureau is supervised by Detective Lieutenant James Mirabile.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Springfield Police Department is to work in partnership with the community to provide service and in accordance with the framework of the Constitution, to enforce the law, preserve the peace, protect lives and property, lessen fear and enhance the quality of life of all within our community. Our mandate is to perform our mission with honor and integrity, while always conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to uphold public confidence.
Core Values:
The employees of the Springfield Township Police Department are committed to its mission. We are accountable for our actions and we conduct ourselves accordingly in pursuit of our core values of respect, fairness, and sensitivity.
We will earn the trust, respect and support of the citizens through active partnership, involvement and service to the community we serve. All employees of this department will treat each other with dignity and courtesy regardless of position or assignment. This will also hold true for the community we serve. By demonstrating respect for others, we will earn the respect of our community.
We treat all persons in a dignified manner and exhibit an understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity both in our professional and personal endeavors. We have committed ourselves to elevated standards of trust, responsibility and discipline while promoting justice in a fair and impartial manner. We guarantee to uphold the principles and values embodied in the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey.
We must be sincere to the need of those who are concerned for their safety, require guidance and information, or are unable to provide for themselves. We will show concern and empathy for the victims of crime and treat violators of the law with fairness and dignity.