Please see this evening’s Board of Adjustment Meeting Agenda below. If you should have any questions please contact Jenn Law at 973.912.2220.
Springfield Township Master Plan Update
Welcome to the Springfield Township Master Plan Community Engagement website. Use the link attached HERE to learn more about the Master Plan and how you can complete the community-wide survey to help develop the future vision of our Township.
Public Notice Request For Qualifications
Please see below for all the information. Please click below for access to all Planning Board and Zoning Board Attorney RFQ’s
Township Live Streams Will Now Be On YouTube
Attention Residents, Please be aware that live streams for the Township Committee, Planning Board, and Board of Adjustment meetings will now be live streamed to YouTube. This will be the only location to watch the meetings live online. The meetings will be posted to the town’s Facebook page after. No account is needed to watch […]
Black’s Lanes and Church Mall Redevelopment Plan
Uniformity, Ample Space and Plenty of Parking Included with Blacks Lane and Church Mall Redevelopment Plan. For the past year and a half, plans have been underway to not only add attractive living space but to keep from overcrowding while meeting Springfield’s COAH obligation. In 2006, Springfield designated this area for redevelopment. Over the years […]