September 17th was the 235th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America. It was 1783 when the country won its independence from Great Britain, and with that a new government was needed. Alexander Hamilton had called for a constitutional convention to have serious discussions on the matter of a […]
September 11th Ceremony
Yesterday, the Township of Springfield held a ceremony for the 21st Anniversary of the September 11th attacks. The ceremony was held in front of Townhall where Mayor Alexander Keiser proclaimed September 11th, 2022 to be Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. “On that fateful September morning, we were reminded that the great […]
Poll Workers Needed
Please see below for all the information.
The Bottle Caps Bring the Summer Concert Series To a Close
Last night was the 2nd and last concert of the Summer Concert Series (the 1st having taken place back in July). The event, sponsored by the Springfield Business Improvement District, was held to thank all the residents for their support to local businesses. Yesterday residents were treated to a performance by the band The Bottle […]
Join The Springfield Grants Committee!
Attention Residents, We are seeking volunteers to serve on our newly formed Grants Committee! Back in June, the Township Committee approved Ordinance 2022-13 which established a volunteer committee to help support the Township in its ongoing efforts to secure grant funding. This is your chance to get involved! For more information check out the video […]
Springfield’s Farmers Market
The Springfield Farmers Market has begun! From now until October 31st the market will operate every Monday at the Springfield Free Public Library Lawn (66 Mountain Avenue). Residents are encouraged to come by and browse the market, buy fresh produce, and meet our returning vendors. Alstede Farms During the farmers market, residents can buy plenty […]