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Recycling Collection Schedule

Please see the 2024 Recycling Schedule. Each street is organized by Pickup day and in alphabetical order. 

Single-stream recycling collection is provided weekly, curbside, through a third-party contractor, included in the annual property tax bill. 

Residents are required to recycle and the easy method of single stream collection permits the placing of all items into a single container. There is no need to separate materials, tie newspapers, etc. If you are unsure of what can and can’t be recycled check out the DPW page and look under the recycling sections. 

Recycling helps save money by reducing the amount of tipping fees paid associated with trash and helps generate revenue through recycling tonnage grants. Recycling grants to the Township are based upon the amount of material we recycle yearly so we can actually make money as a result of increasing our recycling grants. It truly does pay to recycle. 

Recycling Pickup Missed? Contact Giordano Company, Inc. at 1-800-216-2250 Press 2

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