DepartmentsEmployee Directory
Department | Description | Phone Number |
Department | Description | Phone Number |
Administration | The Office of the Township Administrator is the focal point of the administrative operations. The Township Administrator is responsible for the day to day operations and overall management of the Township’s workforce, supervising and coordinating the work of all municipal departments. The Administrator is appointed by the Township Committee to implement the policies established by the Governing body. | (973) 912-2202 |
Township Clerk | The Township Clerk serves as the Secretary of the municipal corporation and to the governing body, providing a variety of administrative and community relations services for them. The Office receives, distributes and assigns correspondence on behalf of the Mayor and Township Committee, prepares Township meeting agendas, resolutions, proclamations, ordinances and public meeting minutes. The Clerk administers the bidding and awarding of municipal contracts. The Clerk maintains official Township files, records and also oversees a variety of licenses and certifications: liquor, raffles, food licenses, sidewalk cafes, livery, health club, used car lots and vending machine licenses. The Township Clerk acts as the local election administrator for the certification of documents related to primary and general elections. | (973) 912-2201 |
Construction / Building | The Construction and Building Office enforces the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey that is administrated by the Construction Official. The Office also includes the Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Sub code Officials and Inspectors which serve to enforce the various codes adopted by the Uniform Construction Code. Construction permits are required for most projects in strict accordance with the requirements of the State of New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (NJAC 5:23). Please contact the Construction and Building Office if you are unsure as to what approvals and permits will be required for your planned projects. | (973) 912-2220 |
Engineering / Planning and Zoning Boards | Prepares plans and designs specifications for public works projects and consults the Department of Public Works regarding routine repair and maintenance of Township infrastructure. Supervises operation, maintenance, and repair of the Township’s infrastructure projects (i.e. drainage improvements, road improvements, etc.). Inspects major development projects that received Planning Board or Board of Adjustment approvals. Prepare grant applications from County, State and Federal sources. The Construction office is part of the Engineering Department. | (973) 912-2219 (973) 912-2221 |
Finance Department | The Treasurer's office administers the financial affairs of the Township, including purchasing, general accounting, salary and benefits administration, investments, preparation of bond issues as well as the accounting of all Township capital projects. The Tax Collector and Tax Assessor, Purchasing and Water/Sewer Revenue collection are part of the Finance Department. | (973) 912-2279 |
First Aid Squad | The Springfield Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. is an independent non-profit corporation dedicated to providing emergency medical services (EMS), non-emergency ambulance transportation and safety training to the community. Staffed by volunteers and are funded through private contributions, all services are provided free of charge to the public | (973) 376-2040 |
Health | The Township of Springfield has entered into a shared services agreement with the Township of Union’s Health Department to provide all State Recognized Public Health Activities and Minimum Standards of Performance for Local Boards of Health in New Jersey under NJAC 8:52-1.1 et seq. Services provided by the Township of Union’s Health Department include: community public health, enforcement of environmental health, public health nursing, health education and provisions for maintaining vital statistics records of births, deaths and marriages that occur within the Township. The Township of Union’s Health Department also enforces the New Jersey State Sanitary Codes, State laws and regulations, local ordinances, and policies established by each municipality’s Local Board of Health. | (908) 851-8507 |
Library | 66 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 | (973) 376-4930 |
Municipal Court | Municipal Courts are statutory courts of limited jurisdiction having responsibility for motor vehicle traffic violations, disorderly and petty disorderly criminal offenses, municipal and county ordinance violations, certain penalty enforcement codes, health code violations and all other proceedings within the territorial jurisdiction of the Township. Practice and procedures are governed by New Jersey Court Rules and the Municipal Court Judge is responsible for overseeing the administration of his or her Municipal Court. Springfield’s Municipal Court Judge is the Honorable Jonathan Rosenbluth. | (973) 912-2213 |
Police Department | The Springfield Police Department mission is to maintain order, preserve and protect the lives, peace and property of the citizens of Springfield and to enforce the laws within the framework of the United States Constitution. | (973) 376-0400 |
Fire Department | The Springfield Fire Department provides structural fire suppression, fire code enforcement, first responder medical service, operational level rescue and hazardous materials service., as well as fire prevention education. | (973) 912-2265 |
Emergency Management | The Department of Emergency Management has several components including protecting against the impacts of natural and man-made emergencies and disaster on people, property, environment and economy in Springfield through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery efforts. The Department is also responsible for the development and implementation of the Township's Emergency Operating Plan. | (973) 376-1058 |
Public Works | The mission of the Springfield Public Works Department is to maintain, repair, and improve the infrastructure of the Township. This includes the municipal roads, sidewalks, parking lots, parks, trees, buildings and sewers. This department strives to provide a high level and quality of service for Springfield residents. The Public Works Department (DPW) works with the Engineering Department on maintaining the public infrastructure of the Township. DPW also oversees: snow removal, leaf collection, recycling, bulk pick up, shade tree operations and road and park maintenance. | (973) 912-8483 |
Recreation | Recreation Department offers a wide array of year round activities and programs, including for senior citizens and a community swimming pool for the recreational benefit to meet the diverse needs of Township residents. Programs are intended to support, regulate and encourage participation in programs; and to facilitate the use and enjoyment of the Township parks and recreational facilities for the residents of Springfield. | (973) 912-2227 |
Shade Tree | Our urban forest is a living, breathing treasure that enhances our community’s beauty, health, and quality of life. The Township of Springfield is dedicated to preserving and nurturing our town’s green canopy. Our mission is to manage, protect, and expand our urban forest through sustainable practices and community engagement. | (973) 912-2253 |
Registrar | The Registrar of Vital Statistics issues marriage licenses; certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates; licenses dogs and cats. | (973) 912-2285 |
Tax Assessor | The Tax Assessor is responsible for the equitable assessment of all new, existing and improved properties within the municipality. The Assessor’s responsibilities includes processing deeds, processing building permits for assessments, maintaining and updating assessment records, maintaining records for accurate up-to-date information such as Planning, Zoning and Construction Code enforcement, complying with State mandated regulations, handling appeals, processing applications for exemptions or deductions, and compiling financial and other records for the county and state tax boards. | (973) 912-2208 |
Tax Collector | Duties include checking all details on property tax bills for any changes for corrections, notification to banks as well as local residents. Added and omitted assessment bills are treated the same way as regular tax bills. Sewer Utility charges are also collected. Deductions such as are applied for eligible senior citizen and veterans. A purchaser of a property formerly owned by a senior citizen is billed on a pro-rated basis from the date of closing. The Tax Collector is also the Official Tax Search Officer. Real estate taxes are due quarterly* on or before the first day of February, May, August, and November. | (973) 912-2204 |
Zoning | Zoning Ordinances are administrated by the Zoning Official. Zoning permits for all site improvements as well as all necessary zoning approvals are required prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit by the Construction/Building office in the Engineering Department. | (973) 912-2219 |
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Department (click to sort) | Contact / Email | Phone Number |
Administrator | John Bussiculo | (973) 912-2203 |
Administrator's Assistant/Deputy Clerk | Maureen Connell | (973) 912-2202 |
Animal Control | (973) 376 0400 | |
Building Inspector/Construction Official | Anthony Monguso | (973) 912-2220 |
Clerk | Linda Donnelly | (973) 912-2201 |
Court Administrator | Rebecca McCarthy | (973) 912-2213 |
Director of Engineering | Mike Disko | (973) 912-2219 |
Director of Public Works | Robert Boettcher | (973) 912-8483 |
Director of Recreation | Adam Lieb | (973) 912-2227 |
Emergency Management Coordinator | Scott Seidel | (973) 376-1058 |
Fire Captain | Michael Mastroeni | (973) 912-2266 |
Officer in Charge/Fire Official | Michael Mastroeni | (973) 376-1740 |
Forester | Keith Decker | (973) 912-2253 |
First Aid | Marla Naparano, Chief | (973) 376-2040 |
Health Officer | Marconi A. Gapas | (908) 851-8507 |
Judge | John H. Rosenbluth | (973) 912-2213 |
Land Use Secretary | Jennifer Law | (973) 912-2221 |
Library Director | Bonnie Lafazan | (973) 376-4930 |
Planning Board Chair | Jeff Tiger | (973) 912-2221 |
Police Chief | John Cook | (973) 232-4450 |
Prosecutor | Howard Egenberg | (973) 912-2213 |
Public Defender | Steven Goldstein | (973) 912-2213 |
Registrar | Tamara Vega | (973)912-2285 |
Tax Assessor | Jennifer Sherman | (973) 912-2207 |
Tax Collector | Lauren Cacioppo | (973) 912-2204 |
Treasurer/CFO | Diane Sherry | (973) 912-2279 |
Zoning Board Chairman | Jodi Cohen | (973) 912-2221 |
Zoning Officer | Robert Herbert | (973) 912-2219 |
Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries