In 2010 the Springfield Community Garden was created. Located on Wabeno Avenue and close to a small stream shared with the Dayton athletic fields, it was put into action by Denise DeVone; chairperson of the Environmental Committee. She reached out to former mayor Ziad Shehady, who put her in touch with former town administrator Anthony […]
Fire Department Promotions
During Tuesday night’s (March 22) Township Committee meeting, the Springfield Fire Department hired two new Probationary Firefighters and promoted a Fire Captain. Captain Mark Russo, who has been with the department for 10 years, was promoted from firefighter to Fire Captain. He was accompanied by his wife, and 2 daughters as he was sworn in […]
Township of Springfield Stands With Ukraine
On Tuesday night (March 8th) the Township of Springfield held a flag raising ceremony to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine during this difficult time. The cold weather didn’t stop many Springfield residents from being in attendance at the ceremony to show their support holding flags and signs with the colors of the Ukrainian […]
Ukrainian Flag Raising Ceremony 3/8
The Township of Springfield will be holding a flag raising ceremony next week at 6pm at Townhall.
The Township’s Electric Sign
The Township of Springfield has recently added another social media account to its roster to share updates with residents. However, do not forget that announcements can also be seen on the electric sign that sits on Town Hall’s front lawn. The sign has been with the Township for 8 years; donated back in June of […]
The Township of Springfield Now Has An Instagram Account!
We’re very happy to announce that the Township of Springfield now has an Instagram account. One of the first things Mayor Keiser requested when he took office was a new social media account for residents to better connect with Townhall. For those who aren’t aware, Instagram is a photo and video sharing app. With an […]
Springfield Website Presented To Senior Citizens Club
The Senior Citizens Club meets every week to play bingo at the Chisholm Center, but yesterday’s meeting included some special guests. About 40 Springfield residents sat together and enjoyed some croissants while Public Information Officer Tamara Vega and Township Administrator John Bussiculo made their presentations. Senior Citizens Club President Margaret Bandrowki started the meeting with the pledge of […]
Springfield First Aid Squad Receives Donation.
During last week’s (Jan.11) Township Committee meeting, the Springfield First Aid Squad was presented with a donation from Springfield Hillside Elks Lodge #2004. The donation was presented by Geri Ann Kazimar, Lois Pagano, and David Penna. “It is my honor to present a check to the Springfield First Aid Squad on behalf of the Elks […]
Mayor & Deputy Mayor Sworn In
During Tuesday (Jan.4) night’s Township Reorganization meeting Alexander Keiser and Chris Weber were sworn in as Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Both were accompanied by their families to celebrate. Democrats Keiser and Weber both won re-election to new three-year terms in November. Certificates of election were presented to them by Union County Clerk Joanna Rajoppi (pictured […]