Below are pictures from Tuesday’s Pizza With The Police event held at TD Pizza.
Lieutenant Westover Recognized at The 200 Club Luncheon
Last week Mayor Alex Keiser, Deputy Mayor Chris Weber, Committeeman Chris Capodice, and Police Chief John Cook attended the 53rd Annual 200 Club of Union County Valor Awards 2022 Luncheon. The 200 Club recognizes the achievements of uniformed police officers, firefighters, and state troopers. Among this year‘s honorees is Springfield Police Department Lieutenant Ryan Westover. […]
Emergency Medical Services Week
During Tuesday night’s Township Committee meeting, Mayor Keiser proclaimed that Emergency Medical Services week would be May 15th to May 21st. Emergency physicians, nurses, medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, police officers, educators, administrators all make up emergency medical services. During this week, residents are encouraged to celebrate and support their efforts. Members of emergency medical services […]
Coffee With A Cop
Yesterday (May 4th) the Springfield Police Department sponsored “Coffee With A Cop”. An event hosted at Halo Roasters, where residents enjoyed some coffee and conversation with our township’s officers. The purpose of the event was for residents to voice concern or ask any questions they may have. “A special Thanks to Halo Roasters for hosting […]
Message From Police Chief Cook: Fund Drive Scam
It has come to my attention that a company has been soliciting donations through a mailer (see attached) asking you to support your local police, naming the Springfield Police. This company in no way represents our Department or has been requested to solicit on our behalf. Our PBA does their own fund drive through the […]
ParkMobile Information
Attention Residents, The ParkMobile app is active in parts of Springfield and will soon be implemented in Springfield parking lots and streets. The app is a payment system in which drivers can pay for parking using their phones. With this new system, a driver can extend their parking time without returning to their vehicle to […]
Distracted Driving Enforcement Crackdown to be Conducted Locally as Part of Statewide April Campaign
Law enforcement officials from the Springfield Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers as part of the annual “UDrive. UText. UPay.” Distracted Driving Crackdown. Beginning April 1, 2022 and continuing through April 30, 2022, local, county, and state law enforcement officials will conduct roving patrols and fixed checkpoints looking for motorists who may […]
Officer Trotman Recognized as NJ State PBA Member of the Year
Recently, at the New Jersey State PBS Valor Awards Ceremony, one of our hometown police officers, Brian Trotman was recognized as the NJ State PBA member of the year. I have worked with him for the past three years as he is the current PBA delegate for Springfield. We have worked hard at making sure […]
Message From Police Department: Placement of Snow In Street
As a respectful reminder to our residents and business owners, the below ordinance is in place and will be enforced resulting in a mandatory court appearance and fines to be determined. T.O. 19-8.5 Placement of snow in street Subsequent to any street, roadway or highway being plowed to remove snow or other accumulated […]