Greetings! This past winter I shared with you the ongoing challenges of the rising costs in our municipality, state, and country over which we have no control. (previous letter) The Township has been hard at work attempting to maximize our cost-saving efforts, including reviewing existing and potential new shared services agreements with other public entities […]
New Year Brings Budget Changes
Dear Residents, The last time I served as Mayor in 2020, we navigated the incredible circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges we all faced both professionally and personally. It affected all of us in some way, and many of us still struggle today. As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, we are […]
Budget Information Sessions
Below are the dates, location, and times for the upcoming budget information sessions: April 28th, at Townhall; upstairs in the courtroom at noon May 4th, at Townhall; upstairs in the courtroom at 7pm
Rent Leveling Board Meeting Notice
Take Notice that the reorganization meeting of the Rent Leveling Board will be held on Thursday, February 24, 2022, 7 p.m., in the Caucus Room, Municipal Building, 2nd Floor. (100 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081.) All future monthly meetings will then be held on the last Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in the […]
Honor our Veterans!
What better way to honor our Veterans on Veterans Day! Make a donation to the Veterans Memorial Park Improvement and Upkeep Project! No donation is too small! All donations may be dropped off or mailed to the Township of Springfield, ATTN: Finance, 100 Mountain Avenue, Springfield NJ 07081. Please make checks payable to the Township […]
Budget Presentation and Public Discussion
The Finance Committee will be offering a budget presentation and public discussion at two different times: Saturday, May 1st at 12pm and Tuesday, May 4th at 3pm at the Township Municipal Building. (Both presentations will be exactly the same.) The Official Public Hearing of the Budget will be held Tuesday, May 11th at 7pm.