Please see below.
Resolution 2025-59 – Affordable Housing
2025 Recycling Schedule
New OPRA Form
Important Notice Regarding OPRA Forms: In accordance with P.L.2024, c.16 (effective September 3, 2024), all agencies subject to OPRA will be required to “adopt this form established by the Government Records Council for the use of any person who requests access to a government record held or controlled by the public agency” per NJSA 47:1A-5(f) […]
Jitney Schedule Changes Start December 2nd
Attention Jitney riders, Please be aware, starting December 2nd there will be some changes made to the morning Jitney schedule. A new departure time as been added; 6:03 am. Also the Jitney will now depart at 5:44 am (instead of 5:47 am).
Election Day is November 5th
Election Day is next week; Tuesday, November 5th Polls are open 6am to 8pm. If you are unsure of where in the township you are meant to vote, please call the Clerk’s office at 973 912-2201 or 2202. The Clerk’s office will be open on Tuesday, for election purposes ONLY. All other municipal offices will […]
IMPORTANT: Issue with Route 22 Resurfacing
Attention: Over the past few weeks, complaints have been received regarding the Route 22 resurfacing project. The contractor had a problem with the aggregate/sand mixture and is taking responsibility. For any residents having issues with damage to their vehicles, Asphalt Paving Systems will clean any vehicle at their own expense. The contact information for APS […]
Legal Notice: Towing License Applications
Please see Notice below.
Check Out Next Week’s Farmers Market (July 22nd)
Next week’s Farmers Market is packed! Don’t miss out on some great food and goods from our amazing vendors! There will be fresh fruits, vegetables, ice cream, lobster rolls, organic juices, venezuelan food, pickles, chicken n waffles, organic snacks, and so much more! The market will be open from 11am to 6pm at the Springfield […]