In honor of Veterans Day, Townhall will be illuminated using green bulbs from November 6-12, 2023, as part of Operation Green Light for Veterans. This is a nationwide initiative that brings together counties to show support for military veterans. This campaign aims to raise awareness about the unique challenges that many veterans face and highlight […]
Branch Pick Up Next Week
This is an important message from the Department of Public Works. Due to the recent thunderstorms in our area, Public Works will pick up storm damaged branches curbside. DPW will make one pickup in front of each residence beginning Wednesday August 2nd. Please have all storm debris out by Tuesday August 1st. Residents may continue […]
Progress at Gomes Property
Good progress is being made at the Gomes Property. Today there are 23 cement trucks lined up on Center Street (as seen in the picture below) to pour the cement for the decking. About 250 cubic yards of cement will be poured along Caldwell Place, this will essentially be the ground floor of the building.
Township Dedicates Chisholm Room in Honor of Margaret Bandrowski
On Sunday, April 24, 2023, the Township of Springfield dedicated the senior citizens meeting room at the Chisholm Community Center in honor of Margaret Bandrowski, former Township Committeewoman and Deputy Mayor. Opening the ceremony, Mayor Chris Capodice welcomed Township officials, residents, and friends and family of Margaret. Township Committeeman Chris Weber followed by reading the […]
New Year Brings Budget Changes UPDATE
Greetings! This past winter I shared with you the ongoing challenges of the rising costs in our municipality, state, and country over which we have no control. (previous letter) The Township has been hard at work attempting to maximize our cost-saving efforts, including reviewing existing and potential new shared services agreements with other public entities […]
Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room Dedication Ceremony: April 23rd
Back in March, the Township Committee meeting passed Resolution 2023-45, which authorized that the Senior Citizens Meeting Room at the Chisholm Community Center be known as the “Margaret Bandrowski Meeting Room” to honor Margaret Bandrowski. Well deserving as Margaret has volunteered countless hours to the center to help residents in need during natural disasters and […]
Message From Mayor Capodice: New Gomes Update
On April 10th Municipal Court Judge Rosenbluth finalized the testimony and evidence in the trial concerning the December 2021 Summonses against Springfield Center Urban Renewal. A decision should be forthcoming in the near future. Also on April 10th, our Township Construction Official issued a Notice of Unsafe Structure concerning the hairstylist building which is part […]
Message From Mayor Capodice: Gomes Update
Our Springfield Zoning Official issued a notice to Springfield Center Urban Renewal (“Gomes Property”) requiring it to address various safety issues including the fencing and rights of way. Instead of immediately complying, Springfield Center filed a complaint in the Superior Court of New Jersey in Elizabeth on March 30th. Our Redevelopment counsel filed substantial opposition […]
New Year Brings Budget Changes
Dear Residents, The last time I served as Mayor in 2020, we navigated the incredible circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges we all faced both professionally and personally. It affected all of us in some way, and many of us still struggle today. As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, we are […]